Out the front door: The mighty Columbia
We have made it to the PNW. Ironically, this more rainy part of the country is sunnier than Boise has been. Didn’t think we’d make it so far today, but we are past The Dalles and settled in at Memaloose State Park. Situated right along the Columbia River, it smells like good rich earth here and our site is quietly tucked beneath tall oak trees and some sort of weeping tree I don’t know (note to self: look it up).
The drive was smooth, and the dreaded, unpredictable Blue Mountains went easy on us today. Some rain, but sunshine, too, and the highway was relatively wide open after we passed through Ontario.
Here is a blurry picture of the Columbia, taken at 58 mph.
So here we are, back in Pacific Time Zone. In the land of moss, and green grass, and mushrooms. It feels good. Familiar, like an old friend, but new too, because I havent spent a lot of time here in the past 10 years and I’m kinda thinking we need to get reacquainted. And, this area is mostly new to Neal.
This weekend we are starting the hometown search in earnest. Oregon has been on our list places that seem like they could feel like the right spot for us for a long time and we are excited, anxious, eager to get to it.
Tonight will be an early one after a long drive (360 miles is a very long day for us hauling the trailer). More soon - looking forward to sharing the update for week 23!
Day stats:
GOOD THING | Sunshine in Oregon and being warm in just a t-shirt (even if only for 20 minutes at a rest stop).
BAD THING | Leaving our friends in Boise. We miss you.
CRAZY THING | We made it to Oregon!!! Only took us 5 months.
GRAND TOTAL | 360+...??? miles to date